PTSC – M&C tuyển dụng “Project Engineer”

Mô tả công việc

Capable to assist Project Engineering Manager on following activities:
- Acting as a system administrator for File server, Sharepoint site, Intergraph Smart Plant EDMS, PTSC Production Management System (PMS).
- Planning, coordinating and liaising daily work with Lead Engineers to achieve project objectives set out to ensure a successfull EPCIC project.
- Preparing project specific management documents, work instructions, procedures, and templates that can align team's work on a common and professional standard for a successfull EPCIC.
- Setting up and coordinating a progress monitoring and reporting system to put things under control and accelerate things necessary for adding values to team's common goal/objectives.
- Contributing ideas, effort for building good relationship and teamwork within the project team for allowing team achieving more and gaining better work efficiency.

Thông tin liên hệ


Người liên hệ

Tuyển dụng PTSC - M&C

Địa chỉ

Cảng PTSC Vũng Tàu. Số 65A2 đường 30/4, phường Thắng nhất, TP. Vũng Tàu.


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