Safety Officer/Nhân viên giám sát an toàn

Mô tả công việc

· Reminding workers to follow the regulation of labor safety, machine operating, hygiene during the production process.

· Warning workers about the risk and hazard in the working.

· Carrying out First-aid for working accident and taking necessary action to solve the accident.

· Making report of working accident, near miss.

· Reporting to Senior SHE Supervisor related incidents and offering solutions.

· Practicing the application of Fire Fighting System.

· Assisting Senior Safety Supervisor in training, supervising and implementing SHE issues at the factory.

· Assessing risk and possible safety hazards of all aspects of operations

· Auditing production activities, keeping on the lookout for any unsafe behavior or breaks in regulations.

· Inspecting production equipment and processes to make sure they are safe.

· Presenting safety principles to staff/ workers in the safety toolbox meeting.

· Sharing information, suggestions, and observations with project leadership to create consistency in safety standards throughout the production team and the entire company.

· Meeting company health and safety goals.

· Finding the best way to prevent future accidents.

· Reviewing and reporting on the staff’s compliance with health and safety rules.

· Manage, monitoring the personal protective equipment and provide for employee corectly with the PPE provision regulation.

· Check all the machinery, equipment and material with strict requirement on occupational health.

· Check the Fire fighting system.

· Ensure that all the fire fighting equipment is not hide by anything.

· Monitoring the job of collecting the hazardous waste.

· Ensure that the work place is clean.

· Stopping the working process which is unsafe and report to higher position.

Yêu cầu công việc

· University or College degree in industrial management, mechanical, Environment.

· Minimum 1–year or 03 year experience in safety position.

· Communication skill

· Problem solving skill

· Basic English communication.

Quyền lợi

– Ký hợp đồng chính thức với công ty
– Làm việc từ thứ 2 đến thứ 7, công việc ổn định, tăng ca thường xuyên.
– Phụ cấp ăn trưa, phụ cấp chuyên cần, phụ cấp độc hại
– Phép năm, phép sinh nhật
– Lương thưởng tháng 13. Thưởng lễ, tết
– Tham gia đầy đủ BHXH, đóng BHXH trên mức lương ký hợp đồng.
– Tham gia bảo hiểm tai nạn PVI
– Tham gia công đoàn. Các chính sách phúc lợi đầy đủ theo chế độ của công ty.

Thông tin liên hệ

Công ty TNHH Nhà Thép PEB

Người liên hệ

Kiều Oanh Nguyễn

Địa chỉ

Đường số 1 KCN Đông Xuyên, Tp. Vũng Tàu, BR-VT


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